Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Discover me

Lazy to the core. Thats what I am. Which is why it took me almost a month after I created my blog to have my first post on it. Well, its finally done. Thats what matters.
I started off typing this message intending to provide a brief introduction to myself. But I realised its not such a good idea. It is no fun unravelling a mystery all at once. I am sure you guys will like it better if you discovered me with every post. Its more exciting to slowly unwrap a gift than to tear it up all at once. It is important to preserve the charm of it all. However, for interim relief you could always go through my profile.
So come, be a part of this exciting journey and I assure you, you wont be disappointed....
PS: Btw, for starters, I am a second year student of law (Bachelors) in the West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences, Kolkata. I find classes boring. I love spending time in libraries. I find it much more fulflling than the boring lectures. I am forever in my library. When the lib's not open I am either surfing or reading books or eating (with my radio on all the while). I love talking endlessly (mostly about myself). I hate cockroaches. And hypocrites.


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