Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Time up!!

Yeah.. its almost time for me to leave home. My flight's at 0955hrs on Thursday and I am already depressed. I posted on my blog not even once during this (very very) brief holiday because I was really busy even if it meant doing nothing at home all day. I just lazed around at home talking to mom all day, eating yummy, hot and fresh 'mom-made' food. Or watch my favorite (even Kannada) programmes on television. Or meeting friends. Or roaming arbitrarily all around the city on my Kientic which is, for the ignorant, the best Kine in the world. It was one hell of a time! But too short for words.
Basically, I DONT WANT TO GO BACK!!!!! I dont want to go back to the same old hostel, the same old classroom, the boring lectures and hectic schedule again. Well, I really wouldn't mind all that work had I been in Bangalore. I hate to go back. I leave on this sad note...